Wednesday, 29 November 2006

Device Convergence - Reach for the Sky

These two adverts were in the November 13th edition of the Metro. A free paper available to anyone who commutes on a train that's been anywhere near London that day.

Click the image to see the full advert.

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This first one really shows the convergence between devices - music and the phone. It plays on the idea that the music you listen to could influence who you call, will "get you talking", despite advertising it as a music player.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

This second advert is for the service Sky now offer where you can text your Sky+ box to record things should you forget to set it. An interesting and innovative (but unecessary?) way to remotely control a household appliance. I guess there's plenty of other things that could happen with this - particulary with that "Smart" fridge thing - you could check it's contents whilst you're at the supermarket...

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