Thursday, 30 November 2006

The "Zune".

I didn't even know there was going to be a Microsoft competitor until I saw this article - but then I never paid attention to the I-Pod all that much either. If you can't afford something, you tend to ignore it.

As far as I'm aware the I-Pod doesn't have wireless capabilities yet - I did find this article discussing the possibilities that would open up (and also they raise the question of who wants to watch a movie on a 3 inch screen? But I suppose the way sharing media is changing, that's no longer such a huge issue) - I guess Microsoft beat them to it?

Anyway, this article talks about what the Zune can do, with all it's wireless amazingness, and what Apple say to that. I personally think it's a bit late for Microsoft to launch a competitor in a hope to overtake the I-Pod, but I guess we shall see.

ETA: I just found this - the Zune's already second place in the US MP3 market - but still has a long way to go to catch up to I-Pod.

Another Metro, November 13th.

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